Fillers Bend, Oregon
It’s natural as people age for the body’s existing collagen and collagen production to decrease. As we age you will also find it’s normal to see a reduction in bone density/volume and a reduction in the fat pads, both bone and fat working together to contour our facial anatomy. The side affect to this natural aging cycle leads to loose skin on the face and body, and increased lines and wrinkles. Dermal fillers are extremely effective at restoring collagen levels and addressing volume loss giving the patient rejuvenated skin and more youthful definition.
Benefits of Filler Treatment in Bend, OR
- Reduces the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles
- Enhances thin lips
- Provides smoother skin
- Improves facial volume
- Helps skin look healthier and younger, providing a more youthful appearance
- Improves facial features
- Provides more firm skin on the face, resulting in facial rejuvenation
- Addresses Thin Skin
- FDA-approved

How Do Dermal Fillers Work?
Dermal fillers, also known as fillers, often contain either poly-L-lactic acid or hyaluronic acid. The exact type used will depend on the areas of your body that need treatment.
Poly-L-lactic acid fillers work as collagen stimulators, which essentially kickstarts the body’s production of collagen when injected.
Hyaluronic acid fillers work by replenishing areas of the body with hyaluronic acid, a sugar molecule with hydrating and boosting properties that occurs naturally in the body.
Treatment is administered through a series of injections, providing elasticity and firmness to the skin, as well as volume to the face and diminishing the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles.
Filler treatments typically require multiple sessions over the course of several weeks or months. The exact number of sessions will depend on your specific needs.
Areas Treated with Dermal Fillers
- Lines around the nose and mouth (including frown lines, smile lines, lip lines, and facial folds)
- Jawline
- Chin
- Cheeks
- Temples
- Lips
- Glutes
- Upper neck

Cost For Dermal Filler Treatment
The rule of thumb for Poly-L-Lactic Acid (collagen inducing filler) is one vial per decade of age, however, not everyone’s skin has aged at the rate of time.
When referring to HA filler it depends on your unique needs, which is why we keep consultations complimentary. The exact cost of your treatment will depend on the number of vials you need. For an estimate, please contact us at (541) 203-0508.
What to Expect
Before Your Dermal Filler Bend Appointment
Your Dermal Filler Specialist at AHM will evaluate your wrinkles and lines, listen to your concerns, and create a customized treatment plan for you. They will let you know the ideal areas to target for effective treatment and the number of injections needed for each location of the face.
If found to be a candidate for treatment, you’ll need to avoid aspirin and similar anti-inflammatory medications, blood-thinning medications, and alcohol at least 24 hours before your appointment.
During Your Dermal Filler Bend Appointment
During your appointment, your Dermal Filler Specialist at AHM will clean and numb your face before beginning treatment. The treatment will then be injected into specific areas of the face and/or body.
Pain management options are available if needed, however, most clients report that treatment is completely painless.
Plan to spend one hour during your appointment.
After Your Dermal Filler Bend Appointment
You will need several injections over the course of multiple weeks before you begin to notice results. This is because polly-l-lactic acid dermal fillers work by naturally boosting your collagen production. Once the desired results are achieved, they can last between 6 months to 2 years (depending on the exact dermal filler treatment that was used). In the case if HA filler, patients can be mildly swollen for up to a few weeks.
After every session, apply sunscreen when going outside to protect the areas that were injected. Your Dermal Filler Specialist at AHM will provide you with post-care instructions.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Los beneficios de los rellenos dérmicos pueden durar potencialmente entre 6 meses y 2 años, dependiendo del tratamiento de relleno dérmico específico que se administre.
Los rellenos dérmicos se usan comúnmente para tratar las arrugas alrededor de la boca, las mejillas, el mentón, las sienes y la línea de la mandíbula. Además, las inyecciones de relleno dérmico no se limitan a la cara y pueden administrarse en otras áreas del cuerpo si es necesario.
Los efectos secundarios de los rellenos dérmicos suelen ser mínimos y temporales. Pueden incluir hematomas en el lugar de la inyección y/o un bulto, hinchazón, enrojecimiento, sensibilidad o picazón. Si esto ocurre, normalmente se resuelve en unos pocos días.
Pueden ocurrir efectos secundarios más graves, aunque poco comunes. Su proveedor de AHM repasará en detalle todos los posibles efectos secundarios en su consulta.
No hay tiempo de inactividad después del tratamiento. Las personas pueden reanudar sus actividades normales después de las inyecciones.
Los mejores candidatos para el tratamiento son personas que tienen al menos 18 años o más, tienen sistemas inmunológicos saludables, desean reducir la apariencia de arrugas y pliegues en la cara o desean darle una apariencia más voluminosa a áreas específicas del cuerpo.
Cada sesión durará entre 30 minutos y 1 hora, dependiendo de la cantidad de áreas que deban tratarse.
El costo exacto dependerá de la cantidad de inyecciones administradas. Sin embargo, la financiación está disponible a través de CareCredit o Cherry .
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