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It’s normal as we age to experience unwanted lines and wrinkles around the mouth, jawline, and cheeks. Sculptra is an FDA-approved treatment that can naturally revitalize collagen production within your face, improving your overall appearance and diminishing wrinkles.

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Sculptra Benefits

Benefits of Sculptra Treatment in Bend, OR

  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles
  • Improves overall appearance
  • Helps skin look healthier and younger
  • Provides more firm skin on the face
  • Replenishes collagen production
  • FDA-approved
Sculptra Area

Areas Treated with Sculptra

  • Jawline
  • Lines around the nose and mouth
  • Chin
  • Cheeks
  • Temples
  • Many of the soft Tissue Body Area
Sculptra Treatment

Cost for Sculptra Treatment

The rule of thumb is one vial per decade of age, however, not everyone’s skin has aged at the rate of time. The exact cost of your treatment will depend on the number of vials you need. For an estimate, please contact us at (541) 203-0508.

What to Expect

Before Your Sculptra Bend Appointment

Your Sculptra Specialist at Ageless Health Medicine will evaluate your lines, wrinkles, texture/tone/thickness, and pigment concerns.

They will let you know the ideal areas to target for effective treatment and the number of injections needed for each location of the face.

Avoid aspirin and similar anti-inflammatory medications, blood-thinning medications, and alcohol at least 24 hours before your appointment.

During Your Sculptra Bend Appointment

Before the injections are administered, your face will be cleaned. Sculptra will then be injected into the specific areas of your face. We have pain management options and are told it is most often a completely painless treatment.

This treatment takes an hour.

After Your Sculptra Bend Appointment

Since Sculptra works by naturally activating your collagen production, you will need several injections over the course of multiple weeks before you notice the results. Once the results are achieved, they often last up to 2 years.

After each session, you’ll want to apply sunscreen if you’re going outside to protect the areas of your face that were injected. If you experience slight swelling or tenderness, you can apply cold packs. Your Sculptra Specialist at Ageless Health Medicine will provide you with detailed post-care instructions.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Sculptra works as a collagen stimulator. It’s made from biodegradable poly L lactic acid PLLA (beet sugar) which kickstarts the body’s production of collagen. Similar to other dermal fillers, it’s administered through a series of injections. After being injected, Sculptra begins to stimulate collagen production, which provides firmness and elasticity to the skin, adds facial volume, and can diminish facial wrinkles (including deep facial wrinkles, smile lines, jowl lines, and chin wrinkles).

Sculptra treatments typically require multiple sessions over the course of several weeks or months. The exact number of sessions will depend on your specific needs.

The benefits of Sculptra can last for up to 2 years, which is considerably longer than other types of dermal fillers.

Sculptra can be used to treat the facial lines and wrinkles around the mouth, cheeks, chin, temples and jawline. Although you do not specifically inject sculptra near the eyes, it does offer considerable benefits to treating aging in the eyes.

Sculptra treatment is not limited to the face and is often a body treatment as well, which we have success with in our office and before and afters are able as examples.

While side effects are typically minimal and temporary, they can include bruising at the injection site and/or a lump, swelling, redness, tenderness, or itching. If these do occur, they typically resolve within a few days. More severe side effects, while rare, can occur and your provider will go over all potential side effects in detail at your consultation.

There is little to no downtime after treatment. Most individuals are able to resume their normal activities after the injections.

It’s natural as people age that the body’s collagen production decreases, which can lead to increased wrinkles and loose skin on the face and body. Therefore, individuals who are 18 years old or older with healthy immune systems and are looking to reduce the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and thin skin can benefit from Sculptra aesthetic treatments in Bend, OR.

Each session will take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the amount of areas needing to be treated.